BFENOM, is a hip-hop artist from Philadelphia, he made waves in the music industry with his unique style and lyrical flow. About 5 years ago, we had the opportunity to sit down with BFENOM for an interview and photo session, which we conducted for the LSVFM podcast.

During the interview, BFENOM spoke about his journey in the music industry and his latest mixtape, which he was promoting at the time. His passion for music was evident as he spoke about his creative process and the inspiration behind his lyrics. He spoke candidly about the challenges he faced in the industry and how he overcame them to become the artist he was at that time.

BFENOM's authenticity and passion shone through during the interview, leaving a lasting impression on us. His music was a reflection of his life experiences, and he channeled his emotions into his art. His unique style and creative approach to music had earned him a loyal following of fans, who appreciated his talent and authenticity.

In conclusion, our photo session and interview with BFENOM was an unforgettable experience. We were able to witness firsthand his talent and passion for music. BFENOM was a rising star in the hip-hop industry, and we couldn't wait to see what the future held for him.


The Tryptics
